Regenerate UK

A new hearth for progressives

Regenerate UK is a new hearth for progressives in the UK, with the potential to become a new political party and grassroots community movement.

Regenerate UK aims to cultivate:

  1. A politics in service to all of life
  2. Bringing our way of life into balance with all of life
  3. Joy and pleasure, compassion and power together
  4. Everything else unfolds from there

It’s a member organisation, where some members voluntarily pay a monthly membership fee. Together we provide practical, intellectual, emotional and financial support to Regenerate UK candidates running in elections of any level wherever they are, bringing a Regenerative Voice to UK political space.

I am one stitch of wool; can I find a square? Probably a local square. If others do the same, perhaps we can knit our squares together, and make a blanket, a movement, for better politics and a better UK, a Thriving Life Paradigm.

Knitting healthy mycelium of civil society roots; connecting with allied movements and initiatives, and being powerful together.

On the agenda is:

Political Regeneration

  • Replacing the House of Lords with something representative
  • Proportional Representation
  • A wholesome political culture; improving relational skills and norms in politics and institutions
  • Abolishing the Royal Family

Economic Regeneration

  • Composting capitalism / neoliberalism
  • Transitioning business models and shifting resources away from economic globalisation
  • Cultivating regenerative economy, inclusive prosperity
  • Moving towards equality in resources and power, nationally and internationally: a wealth redistribution commission
  • Beyond Fossil Fuels, obvs…..

Regenerating Land and Community

  • Land Reform – reform to Land Access and Land Ownership
  • An Ecovillage Commission
  • Cultivating village and intergenerational community
  • Weaving village around birthing and dying; early and latest years, and care
  • A sustainable transport / transport reconsideration Commission
  • Regenerative Agriculture, better food for everyone, biodiversity and reintroduction of lost species

Making Wrongs Right

  • A decolonisation commission
  • Peace work
  • Providing leadership in the face of climate-induced mass-migration; 21st Century human transmorphography

We Might Call It…..

  • Hospicing Modernity and midwifing Regenerative Culture
  • A life-honouring, earth-honouring worldview
  • Nurturing a Thriving-Life Paradigm. Composting an extractive, violent, dominant life-harming paradigm.

Taking the approach of….

  • Cooperation and interdependence with allied organisations and movements
  • Inter-“class” solidarity
  • And many other things.

Back into the source of love for all living kind

Can this time, this thicket of wicked problems all knotted…. Provoke the emergence of a Symbiocene, where life lives in symbiosis with life….

Let’s try.

About me, the inviter

I am a progressive lover of life: a mother, musician and teacher with one hour a week available for political action. 4pm on a Thursday. (I also have a 1st in Political Science and several years in research, change work, think tanks etc.) My name is Briony Greenhill.

I am tired of being politically homeless and unrepresented in my vision for and belief in the possibility of a far better life for us in the UK, our relationships with the rest of the world, and how we do our politics. I seek to organise.

If Carl Jung is right and the scale of political shitness is equal to the scale of collective shadow
Then this is a place for folks who have done a lot of healing work and are ready to make a better politics for Britain.

Knitting civil society mycelium
Connecting, interconnecting; acting together.
Very practically
I will be available on Zoom most weeks Thursday at 4pm to meet with whoever wishes to do some knitting.